Introduction Skateboarding is an exciting sport that requires good equipment for an enjoyable experience. Skateboard Designer is a JavaFX application designed to help users select skateboard parts and compute the cost. This article will discuss the critical parts of the code that make this application work. About the Code The …

Java Short Project: Skateboard Designer

Java Short Project: Dormitory and Meal Plan Calculator
Introduction The DormMealPlanCalculator is a JavaFX project that allows students to select a dormitory and meal plan to calculate their total charges. The project uses JavaFX properties, ComboBoxes, and bindings to achieve its functionality. About the Code Firstly, the program creates JavaFX properties to hold the selected dormitory, meal plan, …

JavaFX Short Projects: Select an Image
Introduction JavaFX is a powerful platform for creating desktop applications with a graphical user interface. One of the many features of JavaFX is the ability to use image components, such as ImageView, to display images in your application. In this article, we will create a simple JavaFX application that allows …

JavaFX Short Project: Slot Machine Simulator
Introduction JavaFX is a powerful software development kit (SDK) for creating desktop applications with rich graphical user interfaces (GUI). With JavaFX, developers can easily create and deploy high-quality and visually appealing applications that run smoothly on various platforms. This article will explore a JavaFX project called Slot Machine Simulator, which …

JavaFX Short Project: Dice Simulator
Introduction The Dice Simulator2 program is a simple JavaFX application that simulates rolling two dice. When the “Roll” button is clicked, the program generates two random numbers between 0 and 5 (inclusive), representing the value rolled on each die. The program then displays the corresponding dice images for each value …

JavaFX Short Project: Name Formatter
Introduction JavaFX is a popular Java-based framework for building user interfaces for desktop, mobile, and web applications. With JavaFX, developers can create visually rich and interactive interfaces that are easy to use and navigate. The NameFormatter JavaFX application is a simple program that allows the user to enter their first …

JavaScript Short Project: Timed Quiz
Introduction A timed quiz refers to an online quiz that comes with a pre-defined time limit for completing it. It can serve different purposes ranging from educational assessments, and certification tests to fun-filled quizzes. Timed quizzes are great for keeping the participants engaged and providing them with a sense of …

JavaScript Short Project: Calculator
Overview In this project, we’re building a simple calculator that allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The calculator has a simple user interface, consisting of an input field and several buttons that correspond to the different numbers and operations that can be …

JavaScript Short Project: Dynamic Navigation Menu
Introduction The goal of this project is to modify the menu items or titles that appear or hide when the menu button is clicked, including adding, deleting, and resetting them. Additionally, there will be a designated text area where the name of the menu can be entered. The user can …

JavaScript Array Methods: find(), filter(), forEach() and reduce()
Introduction Arrays are a fundamental data structure in programming that enables us to store collections of data in a single variable. Within this article, you’ll discover a few JavaScript array methods that are highly beneficial in manipulating the data in an array. JavaScript provides a number of built-in methods to …