Pickling is an object serialization in Python. Serializing an object means that the object is converted to byte streams and saved to a file that can be retrieved later. Below is a screenshot of my solution for Chapter 9’s exercise number 8 from Starting Out with Python, 5th Edition by …

Python’s Pickling and Unpickling

Matplotlib Exercise: Most Frequent Characters in a Word
This exercise was from the book: Starting Out with Python, 5th Edition by Tony Gaddis. The original solution does not require a matplotlib but I added the module to chart the characters and the times they appeared in the word entered by a user. All data are dynamically generated based …

Python Matplotlib Exercises
Hi! Below are my solutions to some of Chapter 7 Exercises of the book, Starting Out with Python 5th Edition by Tony Gaddis. Rainfall Statistics: Expenses: 1994 Weekly Gas Graph: You may see the code on GitHub.

Python Game: Hit the Target using Turtle Graphics
Hello again! Below you will find a short video of the exercise in Chapter 3 of Starting Out with Python, 5th Edition by Tony Gaddis. I added the following features to it: Below is the operation. See the code in GitHub.

Django: Online Ordering and Payment for 7th String Cakes and Coffee
This e-Commerce Site was made with the following technologies: It includes the following features: See the site in action below: See the code on GitHub: 7th String Cakes and Coffee

Django: Blog Site for Tuning Pegs
This Blog Site was made with the following technologies: It includes the following features: See the site in action below: You may see my code in my GitHub repo here.

Creating a WordPress Theme from Scratch Using Laragon Part 2
Hello again! We are in part 2 of Creating a WordPress Theme from Scratch Using Laragon. If you want to go over the information that I published related to this topic, which is part 1, you may go here. Creating the Simplest Blog Theme Creating A Theme Folder and the …

Creating a WordPress Theme from Scratch Using Laragon Part 1
Introduction Hi! Before diving in, I invite you to click this link. It will take you to the page that shows the number of times WordPress has been downloaded. This number is an opportunity for developers and designers to create WordPress themes and help users (about 97 Million users at …